The First Gossameir

The Gossameir Online is the online presence of the world's premiere library on Ethereal history, The Gossameir.

While we will be unable to digitize the vast majority of the Gossameir's archives, we hope to make publically available some of our more popular collections--including our latest Modern Citizens Archive, the Language Archives, and, of course, select articles from our great History Archives.

The Gossameir is a golum library, but it is open to all Ethereal races. The vast majority of its scholars are golum historians--those who have pledged their soul to the upkeep of Ethereal history. However, we do have a minority of other Ethereal races acting as visiting scholars to help expand and fine-tune our stacks. We are fully compliant with Ethereal Rights, and we do not discriminate against fellow Ethereals. All Ethereals are welcome to our library.

Due to security reasons, we are forbidden to show exterior shots of our branches. By Ethereal Edict #4142, we must maintain transparency against mortal eyes, and therefore, all buildings have been carefully warded so that only Ethereals invoking the Ethereal Sight may detect them. We are sorry we cannot offer open access to our branches for non-Ethereal beings.

Shown left is an artist-rendition of the first Gossameir. This humble birthplace in an Elizabethan English pub has been declassified since it is now no longer in service.

© 2006 Gossameir c/o Jackline Hunter, All Rights Reserved.